These are some very special wishes! When we were adopting Caitlin, we needed a place to stay for an extended period of time while we waited for her birth and then while we waited for permission to leave the state. Linda and Ron Ford opened their home and hearts to us and helped us through each step of the way! One of our fondest memories happened the night before Caitin was born - while we all sat around and thought of "names" for her. I think it was Ron that suggested "Buzz" as in Buzz Zucco (Bazooka)....and someone through out Sandy Agoe Zucco (San Diego Zoo-co) was a hilarious evening and exactly what we needed.
Anyway - they were there from the beginning with Caitlin and we are so glad that they will be among those that will welcome Ty in this special way.
Wish #37 is the top fabric and they wished:
This was used in our grandson's quilt and comes with 26 wishes and blessings from the Fords:
A- appreciation
B- beauty
C- compassion
D- determination
E- eagerness to learn
F- faith
G- generosity
H- happiness
I- imagination
J- joy
K- kindness
L- love
M- memories
N- nevery ending dreams
O- opportunity
P- peace
Q- quietude
R- respect
S- serenity
T- thankfulness
U- understanding
V- vision
W- wisdom
X- kisses too numerous to count
Y- yearning for knowledge
Z- zeal for life
That is just amazing and so perfect! If Ty has half of these - he will have a richly blessed life! I hope he has them all!
The next wish is #38 and goes with the teddy bears and moon fabric. They wrote:
This fabric was used as the backing for our eldest grandson's quilt. The teddy bears represent warmth and security, which we wish you in abundance. The stars, countless in the night sky, are for all the hopes and dreams in your future.
Frank Bianco wrote: "If you begin to live life looking for the God that is all around you, every moment becomes a prayer." May you feel the love that surrounds you and enfolds you and wraps you in prayers.
Linda and Ron Ford
You all are so special to us and these wishes will be forever treasured!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Wishes #37 & #38
Posted by
The Zucco Family
1:16 PM