Friday, October 12, 2007

Wish #18

Monica Raymer sent us this wish as part of the Asian print swap group. It has almost a hand-dyed look to the red and has the characters and figures of the Chinese Zodiac animals on it. Do you know what animal of the Chinese Zodiac you are? If not, click here and find out! I am a horse with an element of fire. Sounds interesting - maybe dangerous - maybe like a circus act!

Monica's Wish:

If you are in a hurry,
you will never get there. - Chinese Proverb

"May you always take the time to enjoy what life brings!"

Monica Raymer
Mother to Isabella Maron Yusi
Adopted Jan 16, 2007 - Guangxi, China
Waiting for Arianna Maris
LID August 2007 - Vietnam

And then has the Chinese Characters for three of my favorite words: Faith, Hope and Love.

I think I never get there because of my fiery horse!?!