Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wish #82

When I mailed my squish to this Red Threader - she had us address it to her daughter because she LOVES to receive mail. So I smiled when I dropped mine into the mailbox thinking about little Miss Tipton getting some mail. I hope she liked it! I sent a dark red print with gold ladybugs on it. Our Caitlin liked it because the print was very symmetrical (assymetrical things are her pet peeve - truly...that is in her own words!).

I am not sure that the detail shows up very well for this fabric. The square looks like a bed of roses - lush, dark, perfectly opened roses. I can almost smell them!

The wish reads:

Our wish for you is that with passion
and determination the impossible
becomes possible. May you always
find happiness in all you do.

The Tiptons
Sevierville, TN USA