Heard about a neat young lady on the web that sylizes your blogs for a small fee and that fee funds her mission trips. She works with orphans on her mission trips - which touched my heart!
Her name is Nikki and you can click "Blogs for a Cause" to see her work.
Information on her mission trips can be found here.
She reminded me of a quote by Ghandi that has resonated inside me since I noticed it again yesterday: "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Isn't that the truth. Be the change, don't wish for it, don't complain about what is wrong - BE THE CHANGE! Just love it!
Thanks Nikki! We love our new look! I wish facelifts really were this simple. And more importantly, thank you for your efforts in being the "change."
Friday, January 18, 2008
Face Lift!
Posted by
The Zucco Family
1:07 PM