The mountain,
I am part of it...
The herbs,
the fir tree,
I am part of it.
the clouds,
the gathering waters,
I am part of it.
The wilderness,
the dew drops,
the pollen.
I am part of it.
~Navajo, traditional chant
Diane M. Olson
Milwaukee, WI
DTC 1.18 ~ LID 2.14.06
Waiting for Baby M
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
Do you know
How loved you are?
Debbie Sauer
Middleburg, PA
Cher Petit ange,
Nous te souhaitons une vie remplie de
douceurs, d'amour, de rires, de grads et de
petits bonneurs aupres de tes parents. Que
cette courtepointe te berce, te console et te
rassure et surtout qu'elle t'amene vers des
reves d'enfance merveilleux.
Dear little angel,
We wish you a life filled of joy, love,
laughter and happiness with your parents.
We hope that this quilt rocks you,
comforts you, reassures you and
especially brings you dreams of
marvelous childhood.
All our best,
Marie-France Arsenault and Francis Roy
Jonathan and Anne-Marie
Quebec (Canada) LID: 3/26/2007
"Love generously,
Praise loudly,
Life fully."
~Elias Porter
J. LaRoue, Conyers, Georgia
Families are woven
together like strong
baskets - a work or art -
strong enough to hold
all the tears, and
all the love one
can imagine.
Welcome to your
part of strength
and joy!
Judith LaRoue, Conyers, Georgia
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Paperchase Blues - Look at these five that arrived!
Posted by
The Zucco Family
11:43 AM