Whenever I get the chance to visit home - my Mom hands me one or two wishes that she has been handed along the way to go into Ty's quilt. It is always such a great surprise. This time she handed me this wonderful and playful monkey print. It is on an ivory ground and just feels lovely. The monkeys are playing all kinds of musical instruments and dancing across their fabric home. Lu Lu Martin gave this to Mom to pass along to us. Lu Lu will play an important role in Ty's quilt when we begin to piece his blocks together. She will be embroidering your names on the squares! I can hardly wait! Lu Lu is so smart and talented - I know this will just be amazing when it is done!
Lu Lu wrote:
Welcome Ty!
My wish for you is that you honor and cherish your Chinese heritage for it is what goes into making you special, that you embrace and explore all the opportunities your new country America offers you for its riches lie in the fulfillment of a life, and that you love and rely on your dear Zucco family, for you have made them complete. I give you a fabric of monkeys, that you will always be happy, loved and dance to your own music. God bless and keep you and your family.
Lu Lu Martin
Monday, February 11, 2008
Wish #85
Posted by
The Zucco Family
11:50 AM