Friday, November 30, 2007

Wish #49

This squish is from another of my treasured friends from Travis, AFB. Wally started as a Mah Jongg buddy and then became so much more - and we got into all kinds of things together! She is a mean poker player, woman of exquisite taste and fabulous sense of humor! The fabric she and her husband Tim selected is a rich, blue print filled with stars, moons and the Earth. They wrote:

The Earth, Moon and stars are
within your reach. Welcome to
your new family and friends...

Wally and Tim Grosz

Of course, she couldn't stop there - and included the best All-American scrapbook supplies one could ask for. It will all be the perfect accent to Ty's book of wishes. I can't wait to get going on it.

You all have no idea how these wishes for our son, the fabrics for his quilt and the uplifting notes mean to us. They really keep us going and keep us encouraged.

Wally - Just love you guys! Thanks the mostest!