Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Special Wishes from Special People

Yes - we are back home with the amazing Ty! Our lives have changed so much and I just can't tell you all the smiles and laughs we share. We are overwhelmed when we think of how God worked such miracles in Ty's life and ours to bring us all together.

I have not been feeling very well since August and am quite behind. Thankfully my Mom is here helping me, Tony and the kids until the doctors get a handle on the best way to help me out. And on the good days, Mom and I are beginning to work on Ty's quilt. So - in order to do that I will finish blogging our last entries. And then -fill you in on the rest of our trip in China and catch you up on this amazing life we are living! Until then....enjoy these!

When we were stationed in California, I met another southern belle named Valorie. Actually, that statement implies that I am a southern belle...and Valorie way out-classes me! She hails from Alabama - home of Dixie, home of Harper Lee (author of To Kill a Mockingbird - the greatest Southern novel of all time)...and Valorie even worked for Southern Living magazine! She is herself a talented writer, very witty and such a beautiful person. Valorie selected a black fabric with bright smiley faces all over it - and she wrote:

Dearest Ty,

You are a very blessed boy to be entering the loving Zucco family. I am happy to welcome you to America and your new life...I know it will be a wonderful one.

I am sending you this happy face material for your quilt because it reminds one of the wonderful smile I've seen on your face in pictures. May you, and your sister Caitlin, always keep and wear your beautiful smiles.

"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves." - John Barrie

Miss Valorie

This happy, blue fabric adorned with yellow stars was sent by the Browns. They are members of my Mom's Sunday school class and present in many the happy memories of our past. My parents traveled with a group of close friends on several fun and memorable trips and I was lucky enough to "host" them in New England. They are indeed special people and Ty's quilt will be more complete with this addition. They wrote:

Children are the Stars of Tomorrow!

Ty, We know you are already a "star" in the Zucco family. We wish to welcome you as you unite with your new family and your new journey in life. God has blessed you with a "STAR" family. May you all continue to shine for Him.

Love, Freddie and Shirley Brown

"Children are a gift of God." Psalms 127:3

My bestest good friend Carol joined me in another online swap for our quilts - and sent me this oh-so-appropriate ivory colored fabric with lucky ladybugs and shamrocks! She penned these thoughts for Ty:

May God give you...
For every storm, a rainbow
For every tear, a smile
For every care, a promise
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends, A faithful friend to share
For every sigh, a sweet song
And an answer for each prayer.

Blessings from Denver, CO
Carol and Callen O'Hearn

As Carol and I both wait for our sweet children, we have kept busy planning these quilts to welcome them home to us. Carol participated in a seperate Zodiac swap than I did but sent me her fabric selection for Year of the Rabbit. And of course - it is a bunny piloting himself across the skies! She wrote:

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. - Mark Twain

Sweet, Blessed Ty...Welcome Home!!

Carol, Cal and Christian Kelly ShiQi
The O'Hearns

You know there are some people in your lives that you absolutely know that God put right there for you when you needed them. And this blog is FULL of those people in our lives...and Cliff and Wendi were God's hands to us in so many ways while we faced some dark times in California.

Cliff is a young, devoted Chaplain in the Air Force - and he is FULL of ideas to help our Airman develop a closer relationship with God. We were honored to worship with him and Wendi in a worship service in the dorms at Travis AFB. We miss everyone from that service - and we miss Cliff and Wendi dearly. They now have a handsome baby boy that I can't wait to meet one day! But before Braydon arrived, Wendi sent this puppy fabric and wrote:

Dear Ty,

We are thrilled that you will be a part of such an amazing family as the Zuccos. God is so good to join you together with them. They love you so much and we love you too! As you wrap yourself in this blanket of love, we pray that you feel the love all around you.

Love, Cliff and Wendi Jones