Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Wish #68

My friend Keri is such a kick! We were all stationed together in Oklahoma (great assignment for making friends!) Our daughters attended the same preschool, hunted the same Easter Eggs and dressed up in the same high-heel shoes while their Moms had a ball gabbing and laughing. Keri is one of those friends that I could talk and laugh with for hours on end.

Keri has been stationed in Hawaii for a few years...poor thing. Her hubby has been away for the past year - but I konw Keri. She is ALL CAUGHT UP on her scrapbooks probably and has already made her three girls their matching Easter attire. She is a great Mom!

Keri sent this awesome navy Hawaiian print. Their are some surfboards scattered across it that have a vintage feel to them. I love it! She is so funny - she didn't send a wish - but did write this:


Happy quilting!
Sorry I didn't mail this
right away. The fabric
was too cute to cut off
such a small piece, so I
sent you the whole yard!
:) Keri

It will be some Happy Quilting and will take me "hanging ten" to get it all done!

We haven't seen each other in a long time - since they were stationed in DC and we managed a quick trip. I have a fond memory of my Dad holding Hailey's hand as we walked to dinner. I miss hanging out with you girl!