So - we thought we were on our way, that our paperwork was screaming down the magic paperwork highway that leads to united families.
We were wrong.
We were notified by our Home Study agency...that they were missing some paperwork. Two of the three requested documents I had copies of and took care of easily. The other document was a physical on Caitlin. This document needed to state that Caitlin was free of communicable diseases and basically healthy.
No problem - except that we couldn't get Caitlin into the doctors on base for 2 1/2 weeks. Thankfully, we called around and called in a favor, and we only had to wait 3days. But keep in mind these things:
1. We had asked for a meeting a month prior to this to go over all paperwork and ensure that nothing was missing. So that if there were things missing, they could be worked CONCURRENTLY with the clearance paperwork. CONCURRENT is apparently a radical concept.
2. This physical required a notarization of the doctor's signature. Once again, called in a huge favor to find someone that could do this for us.
3. This made me wonder, IF a child in our home had Hepatitis B for instance, it sounds as if we could not be approved by the state of Alabama to adopt more children. Many children are born with HIV and/or get Hep B in orphanage settings. Both of these diseases, while serious, are manageable from everything I have researched. It was just a sad thought to realize that this could really be a limiting factor in adoption.
So - we got this paperwork done and are now waiting for the ICPC office in Alabama to approve our Home study and then send it to Immigration in Atlanta where we begin that process. (more fingerprinting and more processing) We were informed today that we just "have to wait so we don't jeopardize" our home study agency's relationship with the ICPC office and prevent them from getting any "inside help" in the future. I think maybe we could USE some of that "inside help" if there is any!!!!!!! It could take a month for ICPC to approve us. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......... friends....we wait and are grateful for the chance to celebrate Christ's birth during this time of Advent. How appropriate - for Advent means a time of "expectant waiting." Yes....we celebrate Advent!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Another Delay
Posted by The Zucco Family at 8:55 PM
Wish #63
This wonderful panda fabric is from Canada - french-speaking Canada and thankfully this family provided a translation! Whew!
Welcome to you,
We wish you a life full of love,
happiness and laughter with you
Big Kisses,
Bienvenue a toi,
Nous te souhaitons une vie pleine d'amour,
de bonheur et de rires au pres da tes parents
Grosses bises,
Sandra et Cyrille Tondu
Posted by The Zucco Family at 8:44 PM
Wish #62
Check out this great fabric for a little boy!!! Blue Camouflage! Does it get any better?? And Tony has to wear Camo almost every day ...but not cool blue camo!
"Life is not measured by the breaths we
take, but by the moments that take our
breath away."
The Hoglunds
Bonanza, OR
What a fantastic quote. This quote reminds me of the Van Morrison song on the Playlist below - about Steal Your Heart Away. I can think of several moments that have taken my breath away...and I can't wait for more!
Posted by The Zucco Family at 8:35 PM
Wish #61
Now this was a great wish to get. It is a Chinese Culture wish and teaches of Arbor Day in China. So the sage-green, leaf-filled fabric is perfect.
The card reads:
March 12 is Arbor Day - a day on which trees are
planted and people are reminded of the
importance of nature. it is also the anniversary of
Sun Yat-sen's (1866-1925) death, the founder of
the Republic of China who initiated national tree
planting schemes in 1915.
A Chinese Proverb warns: "No shade tree? Blame
not the sun but yourself."
According to a 1981 NPC resolution, all able-
bodied Chinese citizens older than age 11 have an
obligation to plant three to five trees every year.
The Hepners ~ Tuscon, AZ ~ MeiLi gotcha day 8/6/07
Posted by The Zucco Family at 8:26 PM
Wish #60
Who doesn't LOVE a party!?! This fabric just looks like a good time. It comes from another family from the One Hundred Wishes Quilt Group. The Arsenault family selected a black background fabric filled with happiness! There are colorful party hats, streamers, stars and polka dots all over the fabric.
I can't help but think of all the birthdays that Ty will be able to celebrate. Not only his own - but his sister's, Mommy's, Daddy's, Aunts' and Uncles', Cousins, Grandmother's (MaeMae's!). Life holds so many gifts for us all! Can't wait.
Their wish is in French (I think) and I typed it as they wrote it and then I attempted a translation (with the help of
Petit Tresor
Une vie remplie de douceurs
d'amour, de rires, et de
beaucoup de calins, voila
nos voeux pour toi!
Que cette courtepointe te
berce, te console, te
rassure et surtout, qu'elle
te mene vers des reves merveilleux.
The babelfish translation:
Small Treasure,
A life full of softness and of love,
laughter, and of much snuggles,
These are our wishes for you!
That this quilt rocks you,
comforts you, reassures you and
especially, that it guides you
towards marvellous dreams.
Posted by The Zucco Family at 7:54 PM
Wish #59
Now this is one SPECIAL wish! This arrived in the mail from our "Aunt Tina." Aunt Tina has known my husband for all of his years. When he was very young, he stayed with her and her family for quite awhile. She even claims to have potty-trained him! When we got married, Aunt Tina came to Louisiana (in JULY!) and cooked all Tony's favorites for our rehearsal dinner. It was perfect and held at home - where we could all really spend time with each other. She has been there for so many important things and we love her so much!
She selected two fabrics and her enclosed note ask that we choose which to put in Ty's quilt. Well....I love them both! So Aunt Tina will be represented twice! Who could choose between Thomas the Tank Engine with his "I think I can" attitude and busy bees with pots of honey on a denim fabric. Both are perfect and will be precious on Ty's quilt.
Aunt Tina wrote:
Dear Ty,
I'm so happy that I can be part of your family.
Wo Ai Ni
Aunt Tina
I love this Aunt Tina - the Wo Ai Ni means I love you! Can't wait to see you too! We miss you!
Posted by The Zucco Family at 1:58 PM
Friday, December 7, 2007
Wish #58
This sweet print is from the David family in Oklahoma. It has a nostalgic feel to it - of old times in China. Children are dressed in traditional clothing surrounded by pagodas and parasols and Asian flora and fauna. They write:
The Child must know that they are a miracle, that
since the beginning of the world there hasn't been,
and until the end of the world there will not be,
another child like them. ~ Pablo Casais
Hugs and kisses,
Darrell and Vivianna David
Broken Arrow, OK LID April 2007
Posted by The Zucco Family at 4:51 PM
Wish #57
This is a sumptuous print! It is a tea colored fabric adorned with Asian women and furniture with hints of gold scattered throughout. Our son comes from a culture so rich in tradition.
This wish is from the same friends that sent the previous nursery print wish. This time we were swapping Asian Prints. Their wish this time:
Many people will walk in and out
of your life, but only TRUE FRIENDS
leave footprints in your heart!
-Eleanor Roosevelt-
We wish you a lifetime of health,
love and happiness.
Isabelle & Stephane
LID 3/25/2006
Posted by The Zucco Family at 4:45 PM
Wish #56
This square is a nursery print of sorts. It is a patchwork of blues, greens and yellows with ducks, hearts, numbers and bunnies. It is a cheerful print that I know will make Ty smile and maybe ask questions about babies here in America and marvel at the items available for babies.
That is the other wonderful and indirect use of this quilt. It will open the door for so many conversations we can have together...for years to come. It will bless all of us over and over. I can see us sitting on Ty's bed looking at it - unable to speak to each other too much. And then he sees a square that really interests him and has to pantomime the question to me. And we end up in a game of charades trying to communicate with each other!
This quilt is such a gift. A gift of love, a gift of bonding and communication, a gift of belonging. Thank you all.
The future belongs to those
Who believe in the beauty
of their dreams.
-Eleanor Roosevelt-
With love,
Isabelle & Stephane
LID 3/25/2006
Posted by The Zucco Family at 4:35 PM
Wish #55
Check it out! Another happy blue print!! This one is filled with children celebrating a Chinese festival. There are boys and girls, fireworks, dragons, stilts and lanterns.
I am so glad that Ty will be able to hold this reminder of his past, present and future in his hands and I hope that one day, he will smile at the thought of all three of those!
Great thoughts come from the heart.
(Chinese Proverb)
May you have a welcoming, loving heart!
Tinin & Tono Carrillo, Mayaguez, PR
(waiting for our daughters from China)
Thank you Carrillo family. We also love this wish because Tony's mother came from Puerto Rico not far from Mayaguez. And note that the Carrillo's are waiting for DAUGHTERS - yes, plural! How exciting!
Posted by The Zucco Family at 4:29 PM
Wish #54
This is another one of those happy prints! This bright, blue fabric is dappled with flowers and Chinese lanterns. And you all know that I am a sucker for those Chinese lanterns. They truly transport me when I think of them. I am also transported by the northern lights, fireworks and fall leaves. I haven't experienced lanterns in China (yet) or the Northern Lights (yet)- but I hope to. Fireworks and fall leaves remind me of very specific times in my life. Red wine does too...but we won't talk about that ;)
The Bower family writes:
Life has given
to you the
beautiful gift of
a precious child
to love.
And to your child
it has given
the gift of a
forever family...
Bower Family
LID 9-8-06
Posted by The Zucco Family at 4:21 PM
Wish #53
I love this aqua-colored fabric imprinted with golden dragonflies! Caitlin loved it too (her favorite color is Aqua, favorite stone and favorite word are aquamarine, and is going to name her daughter Beryl, which is another word for aquamarine)!
Sue Strane from Pittsburgh, PA sent:
"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." ~ Christopher Robin to Pooh
May all your dreams come true.
Sue Strane
Pittsburgh, PA USA
DTV (dossier to Vietnam) 5/24/07
Who knew that Christopher Robin was such a philosopher - really all of the A.A. Milne characters. Sometimes I need Christopher Robin to whisper those words in my ear during this process!
Posted by The Zucco Family at 4:14 PM
Wish #52
This words in this wish really struck me with their simple truth. I belong to many yahoo groups to help us prepare for this journey to China and journey of attachment. I see listings of SO many beautiful children and see so many of these children's files being returned to China. It breaks my heart to think that they may not get a chance to have their "forever family" find them.
On our agency's list there is a beautiful 12 year old girl who is perfectly healthy. Once a child reaches age 14, the social welfare system in China no longer provides for them. They are on their own. I do not know or understand how many of them survive. And I also know that not all of the children in their social welfare system are listed with agencies. If they are too ill, they are not listed. They never have a chance to "blossom." It is probably almost a one in a million chance that one of these children is chosen to join a family that can love and provide for them.
On May 1st a new set of guidelines went into effect in China that tightened the basic requirements to apply to adopt these children. There are income requirements, length of marriage requirements, body mass index requirements, age requirements and many more. While all of this is completely understandable and good, it really limited the existing interested population of potential parents. Prior to May, I watched the children on each list be spoken for almost immediately. After May 1st, we have had to really campaign to find families that meet the requirements and are interested in these beautiful kids.
Please reflect on the words that came from the Hinkle family and accompanied this happy, cherry blossom printed fabric.
"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it."
I wish you the vision to see all that is beautiful around you.
The Hinkle Family
Cedarburg, WI
Waiting for our daughter from China
If you are curious about adopting from China and would like to see some of these children's' photos or read their stories - please let me know. I know that adoption is a gift of God, one that He used throughout the history of believers to place the right people in the right place to do His will.
Posted by The Zucco Family at 3:39 PM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Happy Birthday Ty!
Dear Sweet Ty,
It is your birthday and this is the day above all days that I wanted to have you here with your family. We wanted to celebrate that special day that you were brought into this world. The day that God chose to bring you into His creation so that you may gift and bless us all.
We have already sung the "Happy Birthday" song - and sung it in your language - hoping that your ears and heart can somehow know that we love you and are celebrating today with you. I do believe that your foster family is celebrating this day with you - I have to believe that.
We can't wait to see you, smile with you, hug you and celebrate with you. You have a lifetime of birthdays coming and you will never be without your forever family for any of those birthdays to come.
Happy Birthday, dear Son.
We love you more than you know,
Your Mommy, Daddy and Sister
Dear Friends,
Can you sing for Ty today? Please do -
I will write theword to the Chinese Birthday Song phonetically with our birthday words underneath so that you can sing along!
Joo Nee Shung Zhur Kwi Luh
Hap py Birth Day To You
Joo Nee Shung Zhur Kwi Luh
Joo Nee Shung Zhur Kwi Luh
Joo Nee Shung Zhur Kwi Luh-uh
Joo Nee Shung Zhur Kwi Luh!
Now - make a wish that this paperwork slides through the system and we are united with this precious boy!
Posted by The Zucco Family at 11:42 AM
Monday, December 3, 2007
Good News!
Well friends - it seems that all the extra, extra, super-duper thorough clearances are in...and as expected and predicted - we are still qualified to adopt this precious boy that needs his forever family so badly.
The night before Thanksgiving - (all creatures were stirring in preparation for the Thanksgiving meal!) and an email from our social worker quietly slipped into my email inbox. It stated that all paperwork was in and that on the following Tuesday, everything should be sent to the ICPC office in Alabama (Interstate Compact Office - all home studies in Alabama must go through here) and then be sent to US Immigration.
I think that these important emails should come screaming into our inbox with some wild song or noise accompanying them - like "The Eye of the Tiger" or maybe the sound of coins cascading out of a slot machine. Something - to indicate that some of the most important news of your life is sliding into your electronic sphere.
So - a mere 29 days after the delay - we got our good news. And we predicted a 30 day delay at best. So...we are beating the odds. And I'll take that for today. There is, of course, more to the saga....and I will catch you up on that very soon.
Posted by The Zucco Family at 12:17 PM
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Wish #51
This wish is another one that is special beyond words. I'll just give you a tissue alert right now!
Caitlin's birthmother and her family sent fabric to welcome our Ty. She is one of the most selfless, thoughtful and gifted people that I know. She writes beautifully - both in a literal sense and a figurative sense. Her handwriting is so lovely. And then the words that are written on the page just speak straight to your soul. And although it isn't shown here, her poetry is amazing. She wrote:
Dear Ty,
You are a special boy and you are bringing something very special and unique to this family, the same way Caitlin did.
You have a past, a history, which is recognized and will be treasured. The silky black and gold cloth represents your past, your life before the Zuccos finally found you.
Now, you have a great big family full of people who already love you so much. You are a unique and wonderful boy, an important part of your family. You are a son and a little brother and a grandson. You should know that your parents loved you long before you were even brought into this world. They have been waiting, just waiting, to show you everyday and always. Your big sister Caity will defintely look out for you. She's very smart and she cares about you a lot. Your grandmother does as well. She loves you so much that she will want to give you lots of hugs. The brightly decorated blue cloth represents your present and future, your life as a much loved member of the Zucco family.
The important thing about family is that they will always be there for you. Our wish for you, Ty, is the following: May you always feel the love that surrounds you!
The DeGouff Family
This is just perfect. I told you all she writes from her heart and it couldn't be more perfect. Lauren, we love you so much and always will. Your words and contribution are so meaningful. Thanks!
Posted by The Zucco Family at 10:56 AM
Friday, November 30, 2007
Wish #50 - HALF WAY THERE!!!!!
Wow - the 50th squish! And it is super! The folks that sent this fabric are part of the fabric of our own lives. The Franks/Salters have been a part of our family far before I was born. My Grandparents and Mrs. Lois and Mr. "Woodsy" Salter were friends. My Granddaddy and Mr. Salter hunted together and fished together (there is a HILARIOUS story about them fishing one night and checking their lines....) My Grandmother and Mrs. Lois drank coffee together and shelled peas together. They all taught school together in Zwolle, LA and they all served in their church together. And they raised their daughters together....
Joanne and my Mom have been friends for a LONG time. They played ball together and rode horses around town together. And Joanne was the Maid of Honor at my folks' wedding. All this before I even met them ;)
I was raised knowing that these were special folks that loved us very much. Recently, Mrs. Lois moved to Houston to live in a retirement community closer to Joanne and her husband Lon. When they were cleaning out Mrs. Lois' house, they came across this fabric and sent it for Ty's quilt. This touched me so very much. With tears in my eyes, I read:
"I prayed for this child, and
the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. 1 Samuel 1:27"
The love of a family is one of life's greatest blessings.
We welcome you with love!
Lon, Joanne and Lois
Dear Lon, Joanne and Lois - life HAS blessed us greatly with you. Thank you for sharing that love with Ty. It is a wonderful legacy of love.
Posted by The Zucco Family at 5:05 PM
Wish #49
This squish is from another of my treasured friends from Travis, AFB. Wally started as a Mah Jongg buddy and then became so much more - and we got into all kinds of things together! She is a mean poker player, woman of exquisite taste and fabulous sense of humor! The fabric she and her husband Tim selected is a rich, blue print filled with stars, moons and the Earth. They wrote:
The Earth, Moon and stars are
within your reach. Welcome to
your new family and friends...
Wally and Tim Grosz
Of course, she couldn't stop there - and included the best All-American scrapbook supplies one could ask for. It will all be the perfect accent to Ty's book of wishes. I can't wait to get going on it.
You all have no idea how these wishes for our son, the fabrics for his quilt and the uplifting notes mean to us. They really keep us going and keep us encouraged.
Wally - Just love you guys! Thanks the mostest!
Posted by The Zucco Family at 4:35 PM
Wish #48
What a happy fabric! This bright, blue fabric is filled with toys of days gone by. It is so nostalgic and quaint. This was sent by the Foley family and their wish is:
"The glory of friendship
is not the outstretched hand,
nor the kindly smile
nor the joy of companionship;
it is the spritual inspiration
that comes to one
when he discovers that
someone else believes in him
and is willing to trust him." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
May you always be surrounded by loving family and friends.
Carolyn, Todd and Vivian
Bellevue, WA
Waiting for Audrey: LID 1/4/07
These thoughts from Emerson are very meaningful to me and I am so glad the Foley family sent them. Caitlin was born at Emerson hospital in Concord, MA - home of Walden Pond and the home of noted Ralph Waldo Emerson. Love the area and the inspirations of Massachusetts in the fall and Walden Pond in the mornings.
This isn't an easy process to go through. And there is just about no way in the world that we could do it without our dear friends, our family - and the unconditional support and conviction that our faith in Christ provides.
Posted by The Zucco Family at 4:02 PM
Wish #47
My Asian Print swap group is such a treat! This is a sub-group of the One Hundred Good Wishes Quilt Group that is on Yahoo Groups! It is an encouraging group - they really do finish their quilts and post photos when they do!
Today when I opened the mail box, Sue Strane from Pittsburgh, PA had sent this fantastic red print with a golden, metallic dragon all over it. He is a majestic, fire-breathing sort of dragon! Her wish matched the fabric perfectly:
With strength to move mountains and spirit to take on the world - Xiang Yu
May you always conquer the world
sue Strane
Pittsburgh, PA
DTV 5/24/2007
Thanks Sue! We hope you are soon united with your child from Vietnam.
Posted by The Zucco Family at 3:49 PM
Wish #46
This was a very happy wish to receive! This a family we met when stationed in Colorado Springs. We met them at Sunrise Methodist church, where David and Karen brightened so many church services by sharing their musical gifts. In addition to being musically talented, they are incredibly fun folks. The fabric they sent is so appropo - a black print filled with bright, colorful musical notes and notations.
Their wish was:
Our wish for Ty is that he will find something in life that he TRULY loves to do - something that he is passionate about! For the Rice family, it is music. Welcome to your new family, Ty. ~ The Rices
Created especially 4 Ty by: Morgan Rice
Can you see how the wish is framed on the card? It is surrounded by a white satine ribbon border that repeats: I heart music note - translation: I love music!
We love the wish. Please add David Rice to your prayers. He is currently stationed in Afghanistan and away from his wife Karen and his wonderful kids Morgan, Rachel and Jonathan. Thanks for remembering us during a time when we should be remembering you. Much love and prayers!
Posted by The Zucco Family at 3:37 PM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Wishes #43, #44, #45
These are some special wishes from a very special family. We met the Westbrook family in a Disciple Bible Class at Sunrise Methodist Church in Colorado Springs. And, for lack of a better description, it was love at first sight! Our families just "jelled" and had so many laughs during the good times and prayers during the rough times. I can't tell you how touching it was to open the mail and see these faces and their carefully chosen fabrics for our Ty.
The top selection and picture is of a handsome young man named Reese. The baseballs on the blue background is the ultimate all-American fabric and Reese wrote:
I hope you like sports!
Love, Reese
And Reese's sister Caitie put so much thought into her selection and wish. She is such a beautiful girl and her words are beautiful too:
Welcome to America! You've got a
great family and I know you will have
an amazing life with them. The love you
so much!
I just wanted to tell you why I chose
this fabric. I was born in Florida and i
have not seen the beach since I moved
away from there. I miss it very much and I
think it is so pretty. This fabric reminded
me of the beach, and when I saw it -
I knew it was perfect.
Hope you have many good memories with
this quilt.
love, Caitie Westbrook
The U.S. Navy will now be proudly stitched into Ty's quilt, representing a very patriotic veteran family that I admire so much -
They write:
May you find strength, stability
and support as you become anchored
in the blessings and love of your
new family.
Kyle, Ann, Caitie & Reese
Love you guys - thanks!
Posted by The Zucco Family at 9:30 PM
Wish #42
This fabric makes it easy for me to imagine myself walking down a sidestreet near the American Embassy in Guangzhou. My new family of four is strolling along all smiles under a night sky dappled with bright, cheerful Chinese lanterns. We are headed back to our hotel room for our last night in China before we board our flight to the USA and I imagine these lanterns winking at Ty and bidding him a happy life with this family that loves him so much.
Of course, I am also mentally preparing myself for the possibility that he may not like us one bit for taking him away from China. And he may be kicking the ground as we stroll along - or even running like a jack rabbit ahead of us trying to get away...but just wait til we get him home! He'll come around and embrace this love that we have for him - and treasure it as we treasure him. He'll be happy one day - and when he sees this quilt, maybe he'll think back to those brightly, swinging lanterns wishing him well with his forever family. I will.
Thanks Wysner family for this great squish:
"May you always have walls for the winds, a roof for
the rain, tea beside the fire, laghter to cheer you,
those you love near you and all your heart might desire."
Irish Blessing
Debbie & Bobby Wysner
Lexington, SC
Waiting for Presley in Vietnam, 2007
Posted by The Zucco Family at 9:08 PM
Wish #41
The Cesena family know a good thing when they hear it! I swapped fabrics with this family as both of our families wait for our children in China. Their bright, happy fabric was accompanied by the words to a song that really targets my sentiments for my children and is on the playlist below. Click on that song as you read this wish:
"My Wish"
by Rascal Flatts
My wish,for you, is that this life becomes
all that you want it to,
your dreams stay big, your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you,
and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this is my wish.
Nina, Gary and Jessica Cesena
Waiting for Baby Grace
LID 1/30/2007
Long Beach, CA
Posted by The Zucco Family at 8:49 PM
Friday, October 26, 2007
Learning Patience
I haven't posted in a few days because we are very busy learning to be patient people. Let me explain (commonly referred to as "vent"):
Unbeknownst to us, and apparently on Monday of this week, the Alabama Department of Human Resources decided that all homestudies done from October 2006 on would not be approved until the applicants had additional clearances from all states they have lived in during the last 5 years. Several things about this frustrate us:
1. This apparently includes people that are already appoved. What would happen if someone didn't check out? The state of Alabama will apparently revoke those adoptions.
2. This is retroactive until 2006, and we were just notified THIS WEEK???
3. Our social worker informed us that he only works part time and won't be able to guide us on how to accomplish this. I asked a question about one of the forms, after he forwarded a form from ONE of the THREE states we need and he suggested I call that state myself and find out. So...that is what I am trying to do. His boss is now trying to find things out for us - although we haven't heard anymore.
4. I called California and spoke to the "Social Worker of the Day" in their policies and procedures department - and they say that all they would use is the existing FBI clearance that Alabama HAS ALREADY DONE!
5. I have asked from help from our social worker, his boss, my adoption agency and the California and DC and have not really received any guidance yet - surely someone knows how to help us. Surely a state wouldn't enact a policy without the means or guidance to see it through?!
6. I am researching Alabama state code - and House Bill 602 looks does the Department of Human Resources FAQ page that shows that the State Adoption Commisioner will make exceptions for special needs adoptions - and a special needs adoption is one where a physical disability is documented. Hmmmmm....might be my next step.
Now keep in mind - this is the only thing that is keeping us from being SO CLOSE to done. This is also the ONLY thing that is keeping us from sending Ty letters and gifts from us. We cannot go any further until our home study is approved by Alabama. It has already been approved by our adoption agency.
And so - we are learning to be patient and trust that this is as it should be and according to God's will.
I would like to say that I feel better about all of this after writing this - but I don't.
I do feel better knowing all of our friends are out there reading this and praying for us and for our sweet Ty.
Posted by The Zucco Family at 4:49 PM
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Wish #40
This squish arrived from Frisco, TX from another family on the One Hundred Wishes Yahoo Quilt Group. It is a fabric filled with pond critters. I am so happy that some frogs will be represented in Ty's quilt. Although I would be hard pressed to choose between a good turtle and a good frog!
The Kitchens family wrote:
"It is time for parents to teach
young people early on that in
diversity there is beauty and
there is strength."
Maya Angelou
May your life be filled with
beauty and strength.
The Kitchens' Family
Frisco, TX
Posted by The Zucco Family at 1:52 PM
Wish #39
This squish arrived via Royal Mail from the U.K. My new internet buddy Janet Oatway found a "Peter Rabbit" fabric! She said that she searched high and low for something that represented children and England - and I think that this is "brilliant!"
Janet got her dossier to China on August 10th of this year and I hope that her wait passes quickly! She also explained to me that some countries don't allow their citizens to consider children on the "waiting" lists. Part of this reasoning is attributed to the inherent costs of healtcare associated with these precious children. It concerns me that limitations are placed on the potential families that could be out there for these special kids - and makes me ever so grateful that our son will be with us soon and that we live in a country that is willing to risk so much in order for everyone to have opportunity!
Janet wrote:
To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he has lready achieved, but at what he aspires to. Kahlil Gibran
Beatrix Potter born on July 28th, 1866
Kensington, London, England.
Author of "The Tale of Peter Rabbit"
Janet Oatway, England
DTC 10th August 2007
Posted by The Zucco Family at 1:37 PM
Wishes #37 & #38
These are some very special wishes! When we were adopting Caitlin, we needed a place to stay for an extended period of time while we waited for her birth and then while we waited for permission to leave the state. Linda and Ron Ford opened their home and hearts to us and helped us through each step of the way! One of our fondest memories happened the night before Caitin was born - while we all sat around and thought of "names" for her. I think it was Ron that suggested "Buzz" as in Buzz Zucco (Bazooka)....and someone through out Sandy Agoe Zucco (San Diego Zoo-co) was a hilarious evening and exactly what we needed.
Anyway - they were there from the beginning with Caitlin and we are so glad that they will be among those that will welcome Ty in this special way.
Wish #37 is the top fabric and they wished:
This was used in our grandson's quilt and comes with 26 wishes and blessings from the Fords:
A- appreciation
B- beauty
C- compassion
D- determination
E- eagerness to learn
F- faith
G- generosity
H- happiness
I- imagination
J- joy
K- kindness
L- love
M- memories
N- nevery ending dreams
O- opportunity
P- peace
Q- quietude
R- respect
S- serenity
T- thankfulness
U- understanding
V- vision
W- wisdom
X- kisses too numerous to count
Y- yearning for knowledge
Z- zeal for life
That is just amazing and so perfect! If Ty has half of these - he will have a richly blessed life! I hope he has them all!
The next wish is #38 and goes with the teddy bears and moon fabric. They wrote:
This fabric was used as the backing for our eldest grandson's quilt. The teddy bears represent warmth and security, which we wish you in abundance. The stars, countless in the night sky, are for all the hopes and dreams in your future.
Frank Bianco wrote: "If you begin to live life looking for the God that is all around you, every moment becomes a prayer." May you feel the love that surrounds you and enfolds you and wraps you in prayers.
Linda and Ron Ford
You all are so special to us and these wishes will be forever treasured!
Posted by The Zucco Family at 1:16 PM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wish #36
This print is just adorable and looks like a reproduction print in a way. The Chinese girls on this print look like dolls with their rosy cheeks! Elizabeth Sabol finds some great fabrics! In addition to this Asian Print Swap fabric - she was the individual who sent us Wish #4!
Elizabeth lives in New Hampshire and I wonder if she shops at Keepsake Quilting? When we lived in Boston and were shopping for fabric for my Mom to make Caitlin's crib quilt and bumper pads,etc. we found her fabric at Keepsake Quilting in New Hampshire. That store has an overwhelming array of fabrics - every print imaginable!
This time, Eliabeth wrote:
My wish for you...
Believe in hyour dreams,
follow your heart, and speak
the words of your soul.
Elizabeth Sabol
LID September 1, 2006
For Hazel
Posted by The Zucco Family at 3:43 PM
Wish #35
This is a yummy piece of fabric from my Asian Print Swap friends. It is gold and honey and kind of woodsy-tiki feeling. I love geometric prints and this one has strong geometry throughout the earth-tone and metallic florals. I love it!
The Miller family sent this:
He who asks is a fool for five minutes,
But he who does not ask remains a fool
forever. -- Chinese Proverb
The Miller Family
Allen, Angela and william
Levelland, Texas
I've asked so many questions during this adoption! And I've learned that "wisdom" takes time - in my case WAY more than five minutes!
Posted by The Zucco Family at 3:32 PM
Wish #34
The Edmisten Family of Indian Trail, NC gifted us with this squish. It is a red batik print with the chinese characters for love, peace, harmony, wisdom, courage and luck on it in broad black strokes.
I am giving you a tissue alert for this wish - it was like they found a way to write my heart...
The Gift of Life
I didn't give you the gift of life,
But in my heart I know
The love I fell is dep and real,
As if it had been so.
For us to have each other
Is like a dream come true!
No, I didn't give you
The gift of life...
Life gave me the gift of you.
The Edmisten Family - Indian Trail, NC
Waiting for Maia Faith from Vietnam
Posted by The Zucco Family at 3:17 PM
Wish #33
This is a fantastically exotic print from the Asian Print Swap group. I think I will be very sad when that swap is done. I'm trying to come up with a swap that I can "host" so that the party at my mailbox doesn't have to end yet! There was a nursery swap recently - but that just doesn't fit our almost 8 year old little I passed on that one. Any ideas?
Anyway - this fabric is a black group print with a river flowing through it surrounded by asian florals and metallics. It was sent by the Pie Family in Colorado and they wish:
(There are the Chinese characters for Friendship centered on the card)
Friendship is like a sun-filled sky that shines
its warmth on you; flowing like an ocean
breeze refreshing through and through!
May you always have a treasured friend!
With Love,
The Pie Family
Fort Collins, CO
As a "4th grade language arts teacher" (and librarian, bus driver, principal, janitor and lunchlady) I surely appreciate the beauiful similes that compare friendship to a sun-filled sky! I think it is a most appropriate wish from Colorado for many reasons (and you know who you are!)
Posted by The Zucco Family at 2:49 PM
Wish #32
This fabric is so adorable! Little puppies cover the fabric - and Sparky, Fido, Buster and Woof! accompany the puppies as they frolic across the white cotton.
Tony and I have been thinking that a puppy would be a great thing to help Caity, Ty and us bond as a family. We want to wait to get one until after we travel to China so that Ty can be a part of the selection. It would also be helpful for us to know where we are headed (hate to put a puppy through a quarantine!) We have looked at so many different breeds - everything from Shelties, to Golden Doodles to adopting Greyhounds (they are unfortunately, plentiful here.) If you have any suggestions - please share them with us - and why you recommend that breed. Maybe we will start a poll when we get down to the wire!
This fabric is courtesy of a family in Maricopa, AZ - they write:
Dreams are like stars...
You may never touch them,
but if you follow them
they will lead you to your destiny.
Judy Trees
Tom Golds
Maricopa, AZ
Posted by The Zucco Family at 2:34 PM
Wish #31
This wish is exciting to receive! It is from another country to add to our growing list! The Rombach-Holland family from Amsterdam, The Netherlands sent Ty a wish for his quilt. It arrived with bright red piece of fabric with chopsticks and fortune cookies all over it!
The fortunes on our section are rather humorous - like "You will meet a tall dark handsome stranger who will mistake you for a valet" and "Your life will be blessed with riches of love, family and tranquility. Everything but money" and "A bird in he hand is worth about $4.85." Then there is "You dance like you've never danced before." I'm not sure what to make of this - but it sounds like chicken is on sale somewhere!
The Rombach-Holland family sent this wish:
To have JOY one must share it. (Lord Byron)
We WISH you JOY,
from the Rombach-Holland Family
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
LID Nov. 8, 2006
What a long wait for them - I hope that they can dance, sing and love their little one soon!
Posted by The Zucco Family at 1:21 PM
Wish #30
This wish is from the Yokum Family who are my Mom's neighbors....they take great care of her and really watch out for her. But the best part and what she enjoys most is when the twins come and visit! I am waiting for Mom to get the "wish" part of this squish to us. But I did get pictures of sweet Thomas and Emily to include in Ty's wish book along with this soft blue and white ticking striped fabric.
So this wish be continued! I'll update this one soon but wanted them to get "logged in" (in adoption terminology!)
Posted by The Zucco Family at 11:59 AM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Wishes We Send
These are two samples of the wishes we have sent. We love the top fabric because it reminds us so much of cherry blossoms. For those of you who have lived in or visited Washington, DC - the trees surrounding the tidal basin by the Jefferson Memorial were gifts of the Japanese government and the cherry blossoms are so lovely and gentle every spring. It is one of our favorite memories of the D.C. area.
The purple colored fabric is what we sent for the Asian Print swap. It features women in kimonos in gardens surrounded by lanterns and bonsai.
On both cards we used the chinese characters for Faith, Hope and Love and then used the scripture that references these three awesome words:
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13
Then we translated that scripture into chinese characters.
With Love, The Zucco Family
Tony, Honour and Caitlin
Montgomery, AL
Adopting Ty, from China
Posted by The Zucco Family at 4:00 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Wish #29
This wish arrives from my dear friend Cleo Gisler. Cleo was one of my many "rocks" while we were living out in California. She is the epitomy of a Christian lady and I admire her so much. She also has the most adorable grandson named Joe - and I am sure that is how she even knows about SpongeBob SquarePants!
Cleo sent the most adorable 9 patch square of SpongeBob and Patrick playing soccer. Patrick is my favorite - well, besides Gary the snail...who wouldn't be too good at soccer now that I think about it!
Cleo is also an excellent quilter and I proudly display two pieces of hers throughout the year. I know Ty will smile in a big way when he sees this on his quilt - thank you Cleo! She writes:
Dear Ty,
May you find joy, happiness and
acceptance with the Zucco family.
Your new family have longed for you
many years; you will be loved and
card for deeply. I pray you find the
Lord Jesus to be a strong, steady
presence in your life as well -
God Bless you --
Love, Cleo Gisler
Posted by The Zucco Family at 12:23 PM
Wish #28
Another patriotic fabric! This squish tugged at the heartstrings. The fabric depicts the "Heroes" postage stamp and shows the flag being raised by rescue workers at Ground Zero following the 9/11 attacks. The stamp floats on a sea of American flags and it is just beautiful.
My cousin Lisa and her family selected this for Ty. We can't wait to travel to Texas after Ty arrives and share some fun times with the cousins! Jeannie and Colin (and Uncle Michael) are always fun - especially when fireworks are involved!!! You guys are wonderful - thanks for the wish to:
Welcome to our wonderful family.
Jesus said," Let the little children
come to me and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to
such as these." Matthew 19:14
Lisa, Michael, Jeannie and Colin Lowe
Posted by The Zucco Family at 11:24 AM
Wish #27
This squish is another that I love! It is an All-American print in navy and red ginghams, checks and bandana prints sent by the Ditt Family. Stacey Ditt is the daughter of Chuck and Diana Chesley and sister of Brian. You may remember the Chesleys from Wish # ....that told how I met Chuck through a "small crash" of sorts. I have always admired the Ditts - Stacey is as sweet on the inside as she is beautiful on the outside and she and her husband Jack have raised 4 amazing daughters. They have prayed for our Ty all along the way and we are so glad to have them a part of this quilt that I know Ty will hold dear. Their wish:
"Before I formed you in
the womb I knew you,
before you were born I
set you apart;"
--Jeremiah 1:5
The Ditt Family
Posted by The Zucco Family at 8:52 AM
Wish #26
This was a great squish to find in our mailbox. The Dinkins have been special to us for quite some time. They are a large part of why the United States Air Force is a good place to be. We met them in Oklahoma when we were stationed at Tinker AFB and Tony experienced some of his most rewarding moments commanding with then "Colonel D" as his boss. These are true-blue folks, have supported us throughout our adoption and we are glad that they will be a permanent part of Ty's life through his quilt.
Debby picked out a beautiful red print fabric (like her new red Mini Cooper convertible) with beautiful Asain script characters on it. Their wish:
Dear Ty:
We want to welcome you as you begin your new life in the United States of America. May you always remember your native country of China, but come to love and pledge allegiance to this great country of opportunity and freedom - America!
You and your family are very fortunate to have found each other. We know your life foreer here after will be filled with happiness, security, and love.
Greatest blessings to you, your Mom and Dad, and your big sister Caitlin.
In Friendship and Love,
Rick and Debby Dinkins
This wish made us smile. The sentiments of freedom, opportunity, patriotism and security are spoke directly to our hearts and reflect what we wish for Ty ourselves. Thanks Dinkins Family!
Posted by The Zucco Family at 8:35 AM
Wish #25
This fabric is just adorable! I love all the creepy-crawlies on it - including the ladybugs. I think I mentioned somewere down the line that ladybugs were a symbol of good luck in Chinese adoptions. The Stewart family sent this fabric from Australia as they wait on their daughter from Taiwan. I love their wish too. Helen Keller is credited with this quote and was from Alabama....making this even more significant!
"The best and most beautiful thins inthe world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." --Helen Keller
From The Stewart Family
Robyn, Ian, Seb (Korea), and our
little one waiting for us in Taiwan.
Victoria, Australia
Posted by The Zucco Family at 8:22 AM
Wish #24
I connected online with Amy Beaver through the 100 Wishes Quilt Yahoo Group. They are from Georgia and logged their dossier in China on June 20, 2007. Amy sent this neat fabric that almost looks like a "sun print." Do you remember those? You lay out some paper that reacts with sunlight and then put objects on top of it and leave it out for a bit. You will get these pretty images that could be described as sun shadows. Anyway - Amy's fabric is on an aqua blue ground and has the "sun shadows" of some exotic looking flowers on it. Their wish:
Wishing you a life full of joy and laughter.
The Beaver Family
Acworth, GA
LID 6/20/2007 China
Posted by The Zucco Family at 8:07 AM
Wish #23
Do you remember me mentioning Wendy Mooney? She lives in Hawaii and sent a great Hawaiian map type fabric early on for our individual swap and then she organized this Asian Print Swap. Today, I received her contribution to the Asian Print Swap and it is another bright print on a black fabric. I love the way these look! They must have great fabric/quilting shops in Hawaii! This print has the Chinese Zodiac on it. My horse does look a bit fiery!
I think that it would be pretty neat to be a Dragon or Tiger as well. (Tony and Caity and dragons and tigers, respectively....lucky (fu) dogs!)
Wendy's wish goes:
We wish you peace, love, and happiness.
Aloha Nui Loa (with love)
The Mooney Family
Maui, Hawaii
Posted by The Zucco Family at 7:59 AM
Wish #22
This is the coolest fabric - with cool cats! Carolyn and Todd sent this turquoise fabric with Chinese characters and symbols - and kitty cats from Bellevue, WA. Carolyn and I are both in the "gathering" phase of our quilts and had joined that fruitful Asian Print Swap! This family turned in their dossier in January of 2007. I hope they can be united soon with their child. Their wish:
"When the heart is at ease, the body is healthy."
--Chinese Proverb
Wishing you Health and Happiness,
Todd, Carolyn and Vivian
LID: January 4, 2007
Posted by The Zucco Family at 7:37 AM
Friday, October 12, 2007
Wish #21
We received another squish from our Asian print swap - but this one came from England! By Royal Mail! It is a very exotic red ground print full of fans and lotus blossoms.
The Wong Family wishes:
"Wisdom is the most important part of happiness."
Wishing you a lifetime of love, good health and happiness.
Suzanne and Terry Wong
London, England
LID 11/29/06
Posted by The Zucco Family at 9:16 PM
Wish #20
Wish #20 just makes you smile! This black ground fabric is filled with Chinese children in their finery possibly celebrating the Lantern Festival. I love the guys on stilts.
One time my Grandfather built my brother and I a pair of stilts. Joe and I couldn't get the hang of it at first (Joe is probably saying it was me that didn't get the hang of it!). So we challenged my Grandfather to do it - and he jumped there as nimble as a marionette and proceeded to parade all around about 10 inches higher than he used to be! We finally caught on....but we could never get the hang of the unicycle he could ride! Vic Chase was a man of many talents!
This wish is from the Mills Family and goes like this:
If you have love in your life, it can make up for a great many things you lack. If you don't have it, no matter what else there is, it's not enough.
-- Ann Landers
We wish you a life filled with love, laughter and joy. We wish you enough.
--Bobby, Nicole and Sarah Mills
Bartow, Florida
According to the wisdom of Ann Landers - my Grandad was never lacking! He always had enough!
Posted by The Zucco Family at 9:05 PM
Wish #19
Isn't this fabric delicious?! It is another one from the Asian print swap and is from The Stock-Bordnick family in Atlanta, GA. Their wish:
Wishing you a lifetime of love!
The Stock-Bordnicks
Atlanta, GA
Waiting for Annie
Anhui, China
I'll toast to that! Tea anyone?
Posted by The Zucco Family at 8:40 PM