This wish is too precious for words. It comes from some of our dearest friends, The Chesleys in Shreveport, LA. (Don't ask how we met - but it is a pretty funny story! Let's just say I apparently didn't pay close enough attention in driver's ed classes!) The fabric is filled with brightly wrapped gifts and stars...and the words "God is with me. We are loved. The gift of life." repeated over and over. It is absolutely perfect!
Their wish:
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
"Every good and perfect gift is from above..." James 1:17
1. God loves you! He wants the very best for you.
2. Family and friends are two of God's most precious gifts to us. Ty, what a joy and a blessing to have Family and Friends who love you.
We pray God's richest blessings on you and your family.
Love, Diane, Chuck and Brian Chesley
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Chesleys!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Wish # 11
Posted by
The Zucco Family
4:26 PM
Wish # 10
We are "Hanging Ten" with Wish #10! This cool fabric is from the Mooney Family in Maui, Hawaii. Their wish is also in two languages:
Ei Ah Eha No Ka Malohia Oh Na Lani Mea A Ku A Pau.
"May peace from above rest upon you and remain with you now and forever."
Aloha Nui Loa (with love),
The Mooney Family
Maui, Hawaii
Thank you Mooney Family. This is beautiful! Aloha!
Posted by
The Zucco Family
4:17 PM
Wish # 9
I should actually call this "wish # neuf", I think. Not sure about the spelling. But this wish came from The Hunter Bergeron Family in Mont St-Hilaire, Quebec. The wish accompanying this bright and buggy fabric is in English and French:
"Make happy those who are near, and those who are far will come." - Chinese Proverb
"Rend heureux les gens qui sont proches de toi, ceux qui sont loin viendront a' toi." - Proverbe Chinois
It really is exciting to realize that all of these beautiful children around the world are getting the families they deserve. The Hunter Bergeron family has been waiting for their beautiful daughter since March 15th of 2006. I loved their fabric because all of those jars of bugs are so appropo for a little boy! Bring on the bugs (I can't even believe I am thinking that!)
Posted by
The Zucco Family
4:07 PM
Wishes # 7 & # 8
We received two wishes from the Cole Family also by Royal Air Mail from the U.K! They are making two quilts so sent two wishes for our guy! We will return the favor and send them two as well! They have one child from Vietnam and are "paperchasing" for their 2nd.
The #7 wish was a blue print with little boys playing soccer all over it (or as the British call it - they were playing "football" all over it!) The wish goes like this:
"Never, never, never give up." Winston Churchill
With love from London, The Cole Family
The #8 wish was an adorable animal print fabric that had critters all over it. Their wish was:
"Because of your smile, you make life beautiful." - by Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Monk, Activist and Writer
With love from London, England
The Coles
Posted by
The Zucco Family
3:47 PM
Wish #6
This "squish" (square + wish = squish) arrived with a very appropriate "Air Mail" sticker on it! And of course - I loved the "Royal Mail" stamp on the envelope! This fabric has airplanes all over it with good wishes from London from the Wong family who have been waiting since November 29th for their child from China.
Their wish to Ty:
Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day. Winnie the Pooh
I wish that you find happiness in everything you do.
We hope that your "river" does hurry and bring you many blessings! Thanks Wong Famiy!
Posted by
The Zucco Family
3:21 PM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Wish #5
It is like Christmas every day at the mailbox! Our postman is going to think we have a crush on him - the way that we watch out the window and run out when he rounds the corner! If only he knew how many good wishes are riding along in his mailtruck everyday...
This wish is from Jeff and Pam Campbell who are waiting for China to give them the "OK" to unite with their daughter Julia Morgan. They are from Roswell, Georgia and sent this great fabric about one of China's National Treasures...the giant panda. And their wish for Ty:
Our wish for you is a life full of love and bear hugs.
I think we'll be able to make this one come true!
Posted by
The Zucco Family
11:52 AM
Wish #4
Today we received a wish from the Sobol family from Manchester, NH. We love New Hampshire - my Grandfather was from New Hampshire and my Uncle, Aunt and Cousins and their families live there now. It is a beautiful state!
One of the great things about being involved in this adoption is the connections you form with other parents who are adopting. It is an inspriring and uplifting group of people who love deeply and are very compassionate. This square is from someone I "met" (cyberly) who is also making a 100 Wishes Quilt for her daughter Hazel. We are exchanging squares for our children's quilts. Elizabeth's wish for Ty:
I hope your dreams take the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities and to the most special places your heart has ever known.
Posted by
The Zucco Family
11:35 AM
Wish #3
Can you guess where these well-wishers are from? Yes, the Bergel family's members are apparently ardent Michigan Staters. They are welcoming Ty with wishes for the very best as he chooses his favorite sports, teams, schools and college - and they send their fabric as a hint! What a fantastic all-American greeting!
Posted by
The Zucco Family
8:48 AM
Wish #2
We recieved Ty's second wish from our friend Jennifer Szabo! Jennifer sent a beautiful rich, emerald green fabric. This is so appropriate because we met Jennifer on a recent trip to Ireland with the Centenary College Choir. This wish is just beautiful - it is a verse from Numbers 6:24-26. This verse is set to a stirring piece of music and used as the benediction song by the Centenary College Choir at each of their performances. Jennifer was part of the choir that we joined on the trip and to hear them sing this song in the soaring cathedrals of Ireland and England is a memory that we will always treasure. Someday we will be able to take Ty to a performance of this beloved choir and he will hear Jennifer's wish!
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26
Posted by
The Zucco Family
8:36 AM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The First Wish!
Today we received the first piece of fabric and wish for Ty's quilt. Caitlin's 2nd grade teacher from Travis Elementary picked this wonderful fabric. Mr. Inn's wish:
"Dear Ty, Welcome to the USA! You are so lucky to be a part of a fabulous family. I know you will have a wonderful life!"
And then it is signed with the most lovely signature - the whole wish is written in the neatest handwriting imagineable! Thank you, Mr. Inn, for welcoming Ty to our family and for remaining a treasured friend of the Zuccos.
Posted by
The Zucco Family
3:11 PM
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Where is Ty from?
Ty is from an area in China known as Guizhou. It is the red spot above on the map of China. On another day, we will post about the town he is in.
It is a very rural area known for its beauty. The province has many covered bridges, called Wind and Rain Bridges. These were built by the Dong minority people.
Guizhou has a subtropical humid climate. There are few seasonal changes. Its annual average temperature is roughly 50 to 68°F, with January temperatures ranging from 34 to 50°F and July temperatures ranging from 63 to 82°F.
Guizhou is a relatively poor and undeveloped province. It also has a small economy compared to the coastal provinces. Its per capita GDP of 3568 RMB (470 USD) ranks last in all of the People's Republic of China (PRC). Its natural industry includes timber and forestry.
Guizhou is one of the provinces that contains the most minority groups. The minority groups account for more than 37% of the total population. The rich population of minorities in Guizhou allow for a great many ethnic festivals throughout the lunar calendar. We can't wait to learn more from Ty as he teaches us how to celebrate his heritage with him.
Posted by
The Zucco Family
3:34 PM
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Ty's 100 Wishes Quilt!
Have you heard of a 100 Wishes Quilt? This is a Chinese tradition that has two possible origins.
The first is a reference in the book “Imperial Woman” by Pearl S. Buck. The passage says, "She must offer the child as an adopted son, by symbol, to other powerful families in her clan. Yet what friends had she? She thought and she pondered and she devised this plan. From the head of each of the highest one hundred families in the Empire, she required a bolt of the finest silk. From the silks she commanded the palace tailors to cut one hundred small pieces and from these make a robe for her child. Thus he belonged, by symbol, to one hundred strong and noble families, and under their shelter the gods would fear to harm him."
I love this passage because it is so representative of what we want for our Ty. How lovely that he will belong to 100 families that will shelter and care for him!
The second possible origin of this tradition references how parents in northern China make a Bai Jia Bei, or 100 Good Wishes Quilt, to welcome and celebrate a new life. Friends and family contribute a square of cloth and a wish for the baby. The pieces of cloth are made into a quilt, and the good wishes go into a memory book. The quilt is said to contain the luck, energy, and good wishes from all the families and friends who contributed.
So - we need your help. We want to make a 100 Good Wishes Quilt for Ty. Will you send a square and a wish for our little guy's quilt?
What to Send:
* One 8"x8" square of washable, boyish-colored or neutral-colored fabric. It can be new fabric or some "used and meaningful" fabric. 100% cotton fabric is desired.
* A 3"x5" or 4"x6" card with a good wish for Ty and a scrap of your fabric (glued to the paper). Your wish can be anything you want it to be. It can be something you wrote or a favorite poem, quote, or anything else that you would like. Please remember to sign your wish.
If you would like to send a square and a good wish for Ty, please email us at and we will send you our address. Thank you so much!
We plan to take photos and share the fabric and wishes we receive on Ty’s blog – so stay tuned! You can watch the progress as big sister Caitlin helps make the quilt and album to share all of your wishes with her brother!
Posted by
The Zucco Family
11:55 AM
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Home Study Complete
Our final home study visit was this evening. It feels like a real milestone - even though we don't have any official paperwork yet. But we are closer. And it wasn't very hard.
Our social worker was easy to work with and get to know and we look forward to staying in touch with him. I really hope that he can meet Ty since he was a part of this incredible story.
Of course - I'm also glad that I don't have to dust or vacuum as often now that the official visits are over! :)
Please say a prayer for our son tonight. Pray that he is safe and somehow knows that he is very loved.
Posted by
The Zucco Family
9:16 PM
Monday, September 3, 2007
Our Journey Begins
Thank you to all of you that have tuned in to experience this blessing with us. We are excited beyond measure.
Most of you know how it began...but the most important part of the story was what happened when we each saw Ty's picture for the first time.
For me, it was the quiet, yet powerful realization that another space had opened in my heart that only Ty could fill.
For Tony, it was the words, "Yes, THIS is my son."
And for our sweet, sweet was, "Mom, if they put a bow on his head and sent him tomorrow, it would be the best gift I ever got!"
Ty is a gift to us. And lucky for are more precious when shared!
Posted by
The Zucco Family
11:30 PM